We have a Lunch-Club each Wednesday in the hall for those who are more elderly in the parish. It is a warm and friendly group with good home cooking. There is a two course meal followed by tea/coffee at the cost of £3-50.
For more info contact Andy on: 07814 433137
Organisations (all tel numbers 01702 unless otherwise shown):
Cub Scouts : John Mills – Fridays 6.15 to 7.45 p.m. (713716)
(email: john.r.mills1964@gmail.com)
Beavers : Ginny Clark Fridays 5.00 to 6.00 p.m. (07581 277719)
(email: ginnyclark@hotmail.co.uk)
Rangers : Susan Jackson & Helen Feather (511577) 2 Mondays per month 7 to 9.00 p.m.
Guides : Susan Jackson – Mondays 5.45 to 7.45 p.m. (218655)
Brownies : TBC- Tuesdays 5.30 to 7.00 p.m. (tbc)
(email- 3rdeastwoodbrownies@gmail.com)