Our vision for St David’s is that attentive to God we seek to be a growing, welcoming, inclusive community celebrating its living faith at the heart of Eastwood.
We also aim to:
· Increase spiritually and numerically through commitment to Eucharistic worship, prayer, teaching, mission and fellowship; supporting people of all ages faith journey.
· Develop church and hall buildings and our communications in line with vision.
· Be self-sufficient numerically & financially.
We pray everyday, gathering as community. On Thursday evening we focus more deeply, remembering the Last Supper with a lovely Eucharist with simple chants and real bread. Friday we celebrate the Liturgy of the Cross, remembering with love Jesus’ sacrifice for us and how, without it we wouldn’t have the resurrection on Sunday. After preparing the church together on Saturday morning, we come on Sunday with great joy to celebrate our life with God, receiving the gifts of Bread and Wine, and taking it back out into the world again, renewed.
Parish in interregnum
The parish is in interregnum following Fr Paul’s passing in December 2020. The vicarage is currently not being used by the parish. For all enquiries please contact the wardens,07546 587206

Andy Norton
Sally Taylor
PCC Secretary Val Webber
PCC Treasurer Paul Knight
Hall Bookings 07546 587206
Children’s Ministry/Godly Play 07546 587206